Tarot Talk: Intuition and Psychic Links to the Tarot.

Much concentration is needed in the tarot reading room or during a tarot reading.
The outcome of the reading, particularly the cards chosen and their relevance to the client depends entirely on the tarot reader.
When a client comes in for a reading, the tarot reader must seek information about the client's issues and their situation, which can only be achieved once they have honed into their intuitive abilities.
This intuition is what gives the deck in front of them meaning and allows them to interpret the message intended for the client receiving the information.
Some believe that when a reader goes to purchase a tarot deck, they are most likely to choose one which answers to them most on a cultural as well as personal level.
Typically, the decks come with various imagery and designs based on the culture of origin. This means, for example, that someone who is Hindu and immersed in the culture is likely to be drawn to cards designed and based around Hindu culture and religion.

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