Dress My Age? No Way.

Every summer I think to myself, 'Hmm, can I still get away with my fave little shorts or am I officially TOO OLD?'
According to a lot of blogs aimed at 'women my age' I should have ditched most of my wardrobe by now and be wearing more 'age appropriate' clobber.
I tried that and looked like a cardboard cut-out of 'middle aged woman' and felt like one.
I've lied about my age for ages now, even my daughters don't know how old I am. A pharmacist in Boots called out my real age the other day and I realised that I had completely ignored her, she gave me a withering look, I shrugged and looked away before silently accepting the blood pressure tablets.
I don't feel old, don't look particularly old so why should I dress old?
I like wearing purple, but not with a red hat...yet.

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