The Artist's Way
'A Course in Discovering and Recovering your Creative Self.'
It is a twelve-week programme which aims to rouse one's spiritual and creative self from its slumbers.
It is all too easy to 'fall asleep' in your own life, to fall into the day-to day routine, to stop looking, really looking around you, to stop listening to your inner voice, to stop noticing the blossom on the trees, the fresh grass, the robin on the bird table. It's all too easy to stop laughing, dancing, and playing.
'The Artist's Way' doesn't offer a pain free, instant recovery (or discovery) of your creative self, but it is a workable plan that wakes you up to yourself and allows your inner artist to rejoin the party that is you.
First things first and I have signed the contract committing myself to the course. (Yes, it's third time lucky for me)
I'll let you know how I get on.