Growth & Change


Growth and change can feel uncomfortable, so you 'stay small.'

Other people might not understand a 'new you' so you 'stay small.'

If you 'stay small' you will continue to fit in, you can keep plodding along.

All pervasive conforming keeps you small and can lock you into a self-image you may not like.

 Humans are pack animals and as such we tend to move with the herd, go with the flow. This can be detrimental to our mental health. Do you feel locked into conformity?  For example, do you have to dress a certain way to succeed in your job? Is this way of dressing denying your creativity? Are you slowly being moulded into a person you don't really want to be?

Is your relationship in a rut? Are you stuck in a routine? Are you conforming to a relationship stereotype?

Have you found yourself in a job which is stifling your core character? Are you in accounts when you would be better suited to the art department?

Are you afraid to change? Do you wonder whether your friends would be able to accept a new you?

How would your life change if you chose not to 'stay small' but became dynamic, sociable, fun, loud, proud, and internally very, very tall?
Have a good long think about who you would like to be.
And then try the exercises below to reinvigorate yourself, give yourself a shake down and find a new you.

First, ask yourself:

Who am I?
Am I the person I really want to be?
Do I even recognise myself?
How did I get here?
Where do I really want to be going?

As Master Lao Tzu once said,
"One who knows others is intelligent. One who knows himself is enlightened."
(Tao Te Ching verse 33)

Celebrate Yourself!
Ask yourself:
What does my spirit love? What makes me laugh, excited, happy, exhilarated? Is it painting, dancing, walking, reading, singing? Climbing, laughing aloud, being silly, feeling free?
Decide to OWN what you love. Embrace it. Practice it. Become it.
Here's some questions to ask yourself:

If I could look my best, what would I look like? How can I transform my look?
If I could do what I wanted all day what would I do?
If I were a vibration, what would I be? Calm/ quiet/loud/ joyous?
If I could start over and choose new friends, who would they be?
If I could change my life what would my new life look like?

To get you in the mood, put on some music....

Embrace The Power of Music.

Music is SO powerful. It can transform your energy.
Music has the power to transform the vibration of you.
Think of the new, tall you. What music do you like? Is it rock/indie/ soul/ dance/ classical?
Experiment with different music, Change the channel, change the vibe, be noisy.
Joy, hope, optimism, power and, of course, harmony can be discovered in the latest music you choose.


Change the Routine.

Disrupt your routine.
Drive a different route to work, see new sights.
Walk more, sit in the park, look around you, feed the birds, watch the clouds, feel the breeze, breathe.
Change your food shop, change the types of food you eat. Discover new food.
Get out of your comfort zone.

Clear the Decks.

Be ruthless. Go through your house (or your room) and throw out all that is junk, old magazines, clutter, useless stuff. Tidy and clean.
Redecorate, buy a big plant, posters, paintings (paint your own!), statuettes, blinds, buddhas...
Create room for new and clean energy to flow in.
Open windows...

Curate a New Image.

The way we look means so much to us and those around us.
Get a fresh look by thinking about textiles, fabrics, colours.
Think about the energy of spirit in colours, bold reds, thoughtful greys, sombre black, innocent and clean whites, gregarious golds.
Think, what historical fashion era am I, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's ....
Research the 'look' you wish to achieve.
You can change the way you look anytime you like,
Dress for you and not what you think you should represent. Are you dressing as a sensible parent when inside you feel like a happy hippy?
Buy new shoes and see how wearing them shifts your energy.
New colours, new bags, new boots, buttons, bows...
New hair?  New colour. New energy.


Love the new you.
Love your fresh look.
Love your new outlook.
When you love yourself, your aura will shift, you will attract more positive energy.
Love your abilities, your mind, your sense of humour, your kindness. Love you.

And.......STAND TALL.


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