Therapy: Root Chakra.

 The Root Chakra governs our sense of safety, survival, and security. This chakra also creates our connection with the earth. This is the base of all grounding necessary to keep a person emotionally balanced, it is also the foundation of all spiritual development.

Root Chakra: I am.   

The Sanskrit name for the Root Chakra is   MULADHARA.

The Root Chakra sits at the base of the spine where the pelvic floor lies. 

  The colour of this chakra is Ruby Red. Sometimes referred to as the base chakra, some people like to refer to it as a glowing red sphere of energy whereas others visualise it as a ruby red four petalled lotus.

When this chakra is imbalanced, a person can experience fear, anxiety, lack of self-esteem, weight issues and constipation.

When the root chakra is functioning well, a person can enjoy a powerful sense of safety and security. Weight goals can be achieved more easily and positive energy flows freely.

To awaken and balance the root chakra one can meditate while imagining the ruby red ball of energy increasing in its radiance, swirling energetically in a circular motion. Some people may find a guided meditation helpful here, (Lots on YouTube)

Another effective way to awaken this chakra is by chanting the mantra LAM.

Yoga poses for the root chakra also bring balance to it. Child pose, cobra pose, plank pose, and warrior pose are all effective in balancing this chakra.  

Affirmations for the Root Chakra, just say these to yourself or write them down on post it notes where you can see them, include.

I am safe.
I feel grounded.
I feel connected to Mother Earth.
My roots are deep and strong.
I believe in myself.
I am strong. I am brave.

Crystals for the Root Chakra:
Red garnet.
Red jasper.
Fire agate.
Black tourmaline.

To balance the root chakra, you must put your hands on your knees while sitting cross legged, or in a chair with your feet touching the ground. Then, join the thumb and index finger of both hands. Hold this mudra for at least 15 minutes a day.

Diet to balance and heal the root chakra:

As the root chakra is all about grounding and connection with the earth, all the root vegetables benefit it as do all other red vegetables, fruits, grains, and meats (in moderation) can help to balance and heal this chakra.

It is important to note that all the seven chakras must be aligned and balanced, we cannot single out one chakra to bring harmony to one area of our lives. All the chakras are deeply connected and 'retuning' just one will not be of any benefit.  



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