My Tips to Help You Get Through Chemotherapy.


This is a self-portrait that I painted while feeling sorry for myself, I had had the first four sessions of Chemotherapy (out of sixteen) and I was exhausted and fed-up. I had just come out of hospital where I had spent a week in isolation after picking up a bug. Not a fun time.

Anyway, I tried to pick myself up and get on with it as really that's all I could do. I have finished chemotherapy now and radiotherapy. I had surgery last year so apart from having to go back on the endocrine treatment, I'm done. (Well, I hope I am)

So, that's the brief history of my cancer story. Everyone who is going through, has gone through or who has a loved one going through a similar experience has my sympathy, I feel for you all.

Before this all started, I found the lump in September 2021, I had been studying and writing posts for Modern Hippie Therapy. Although it's not what I intended, I had intended to help other people through Modern Hippie Therapy, I found that all that I had learnt helped me enormously throughout my treatment. I hope that my tips will go some way to helping others. 

Practical matters first:

I would advise that you purchase these items:

Himalayan Bath Salts- very soothing for sore bottoms.

Sally Hansen Hard as Nails- your fingernails will thank you.

Moisturising cream- use all over.

Lucozade Sport- will rehydrate and energise.

Hair 'food' for your scalp. I used a product by Garnier.

Sudocrem- again for your bottom.


As you are going to be spending quite a lot of time indoors, I suggest you make your environment as comforting as you can. I found my houseplants a comfort, I have a huge Kentia Palm that has exceeded even itself in growth, I call her Susan, seems silly I know but when I needed a moan or indeed just a friendly chat, she didn't let me down. It was also nice to look after something else that wasn't me. I have quite a few plants all over the house, people give me their plants quite often when they (the plants!) look like they are on their last legs. Susan is thriving.

I surround myself with colour. Colourful cushions scattered about, coloured bottles, paintings, flowers, lanterns, crystals, curtains, tablecloths, whatever you fancy, bright cheery colours will lift your vibration. 

Candles and incense sticks were and are essential items. I don't want to go into too much detail but in my case the bathroom became by far the busiest room in the house. Candles are a cheap but surprisingly luxurious item, soothing and practical. Incense burners are attractive and there are so many different aromas of incense now, your house doesn't have to smell like a drug den. I have a wide selection; my favourite though is a rose incense, strong and sweet and lasts a long time.

I have a few Himalayan Salt Lamps around the house, they absorb any lingering negative energy, and they help make a room look warm and cosy.

Treat yourself to a luxurious dressing gown, or two, preferably white so it can go in a boil wash.

Through my training in Spiritual Coaching, I came across a meditation channel on YouTube and discovered a man called Jason Stephenson. I cannot recommend this man highly enough. He has loads of sleep meditations on his channel as well as other meditations such as Crystal Beach Chakra Realignment and Balancing, this is my go-to meditation. The brilliant thing about Jason's meditations is that you can simply put them on before you go to sleep and they work their magic, so if you aren't 'into' meditation then that's no barrier to enjoying the benefits, and the benefits can be huge. Have a look at what he has to offer on YouTube, everyone who has taken up this recommendation has been pleasantly surprised, I'm sure you will find more than a few that will suit your needs. The Crystal Beach meditation is now an integral part of my life, I love going to the Crystal Beach!

When you feel up to it, try painting, reading, sewing, drawing, weaving, knitting anything that you can lose yourself in, zone out.

I have been, I was going to say, practising yoga for years but that implies complicated moves and sounds a bit pretentious. So, I would change that description to gentle stretching on a yoga mat. Obviously don't try anything strenuous or too new while you are undergoing treatment, you'll be coping with enough as it is. You could ask your Macmillan nurse for directions on this one.

Music has sustained me through this journey as it has throughout my life. I have stopped listening to my usual radio station as there was too much talk and not enough music. I've switched to a dance/Motown vibe, and this has helped me to feel uplifted and cheerful as well as making me move on days when I didn't feel like crawling off the sofa let alone dance around the kitchen. Again, this will lift your vibration and make you feel happier.

I was about to advise on food but I'm not going to as everyone will react differently during their treatment. I was advised to eat more fibre and believe me, the answer to that was a resounding NO WAY, me and the loo are barely on speaking terms even now.

I finished my treatment a couple of days ago, my path was endocrine treatment>surgery>chemotherapy> radiotherapy>endocrine treatment. I had my last radiotherapy session two days ago. I came out of the hospital and expected to feel, well, I don't know really. I looked up at the sky expecting to see a huge THE END written in fluffy clouds against the April blue sky, but I didn't. I don't quite know how or what I'm feeling, I've become so used to hospital appointments, it seems strange to have an almost empty diary. 

I think I'll put some Donna Summer on the CD player.

I hope some of these tips are helpful. Please read some other posts, especially the Chakra Healing and Balancing ones, hopefully they will also help in your recovery.

Sending love and compassionate thoughts to all who are on this path and to all those who are in a supporting role. In some ways the supporting cast get a worse deal, I would rather go through the treatment with all that that involves than see my loved ones go through it.

Love and Best Wishes.




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