
Showing posts with the label intuition

Trump. Thirty Day Report Card.

So, here we are, about thirty days later. Thirty days of blustering and blathering and bullying. What else did we expect?  Does anyone know what on earth goes on in the mind of this man? I don't. I know that I don't like him, have never liked him. Intuitively, I think he's a wrong 'un and my intuition is usually spot on. I am very unlikely ever to meet him, I don't want to ever meet him but I'm curious to know more about him so I've done some astrological digging and written his report card. Here it is: Donald Trump. 14 June 1946. Queen's, New York. Sun in Gemini: Thinks he is rather good at expressing himself and boy does he like to express himself, noisy, rambunctious, he can be a disruptive influence in certain settings where a calm demeanor would be much more suitable.He can be difficult to control. He is easily bored and has a tendency to change his mind and his moods. He is not easily intimidated and this means he is quite difficult to get close to...

The Role of Intuition in My Brexit Decision.

In the human functional process, we know and understand the role of the nervous system and the way our senses come into play in our everyday lives. We respond in several ways to external forces of stress and sudden changes in our immediate environment. Some of the stress responses are summed up in the 'fight or flight' reactions, which manifest in physical changes, such as sweating palms, a quickened heartbeat and dilated pupils. The same way our bodies consciously respond to external forces is the same way we respond subconsciously to life changing scenarios. It has long been believed that humans have some level of instinctive or intuitive ability. Logically, we know that the fire will burn because our cognitive spheres have at some point come into contact with the heat of a candle or fire. This makes sense, scientifically, and is an understood process. However, it is much more difficult to logically explain the 'gut' feeling that people sometimes experience r...

Tarot Talk: The Flow of Energy (Part One)

Once consulted, the tarot reader sets out on a spiritual journey which many believe allows them to gather conclusive and detailed information concerning their client. According to Plato's definition of intuition, as the knowledge of a pre-existing truth, the tarot reader could be viewed as using their gift of intuition to pick out truths in a way that most people are unable to do or are unaware of their ability to do so. It is at this point that the reader's energy flows into the cards and they are directed to those cards which will play a relevant role in interpreting the situations and feelings of their client. At times, the reader may feel that they have been directed to stop shuffling and focus on a particular card or set of cards which they then use as the basis of their reading. There are certain cards with a universal identification, such as the Death card. For most people, this card would simply denote the death of a person. On closer assessment, however, the card...

Yin and Yang

The Hopi people use the word 'Koyaanisqatsi' to describe how they feel about the modern world- a term which translates as ' a world out of balance,' a world which overuses rationality at the expense of our intuition. We have lost sight of the greater picture- the mystical ' feminine' wisdom. Yin and Yang out of balance. Rich versus poor. Strong versus weak.  A gulf between those in power and those in the workplace. An attitude of us and them. I strongly feel that in a world which is truly 'out of balance' a world in which the 'leaders' lie, it will be ever more important that we exercise our intuition as well as our rational thought processes to steer our paths toward a more peaceful and harmonious future.

Tarot Talk: Intuition and Energy in a Tarot Reading

The use of tarot cards in divination has been a gradually developing concept. Initially, the cards were made for general entertainment and only gained deeper interpretative meanings over long periods of time. This gives rise to the question of whether the cards were already filled with hidden meanings and people were simply unaware of them or to whether people later realised they could make use of the cards to further express themselves and gave them their own meanings and symbolism. The latter interpretation involves a person's natural ability for intuition and how the cards could enhance or provide an outlet for this skill. There are 'spiritual' powers or extra natural 'abilities' that people can acquire or possess which are relevant to the working of a diviner. These include psychic abilities as well as intuitive capabilities. The psychic world is a radical one with several gifts. Some may have extraordinary gifts of hearing, some of smell or taste, as w...

Tarot Talk: The Power of Intuition

In the human functional process, we know and understand the role of the nervous system and the way our senses come into play in our everyday lives. We respond in several ways to external forces of stress and sudden changes in our immediate environment. Some of the stress responses are summed up in the 'fight or flight' reactions, which manifest in physical changes, such as sweating palms, a quickened heartbeat and dilated pupils. The same way our bodies consciously respond to external forces is the same way we respond subconsciously to life changing scenarios. It has long been believed that humans have some level of instinctive or intuitive ability. Logically, we know that the fire will burn because our cognitive spheres have at some point come into contact with the heat of a candle or fire. This makes sense, scientifically, and is an understood process. However, it is much more difficult to logically explain the 'gut' feeling that people sometimes experience r...

Emotive Intuition and the Victory of Donald Trump.

Good morning, America. Half of the American people will have been nursing their first coffee of the day feeling sick. Think of us Brits on June 24th, we feel your pain.  A vast disillusionment would be setting in: that as of now the romantic idealisation of America is dead. As they shift uncomfortably in their chairs, they will conclude that there may not be a happy conclusion to the novel that is their homeland. Half of the American people presumed that their fellow citizens still believed in a more liberal approach to life, a bit more of a leaning toward racial harmony and sexual equality; believed them to be an open and tolerant lot, believed them to be, well, more like themselves. It comes as a horrible shock to realise that it's you in the minority. It's you who voted for the losing campaign. It's horrible to realise that you overlooked those fellow Americans, white people, living in rural areas who don't share your views on what it's like to...