Tarot Talk: Intuition and Energy in a Tarot Reading
The use of tarot cards in divination has been a gradually developing concept. Initially, the cards were made for general entertainment and only gained deeper interpretative meanings over long periods of time. This gives rise to the question of whether the cards were already filled with hidden meanings and people were simply unaware of them or to whether people later realised they could make use of the cards to further express themselves and gave them their own meanings and symbolism. The latter interpretation involves a person's natural ability for intuition and how the cards could enhance or provide an outlet for this skill. There are 'spiritual' powers or extra natural 'abilities' that people can acquire or possess which are relevant to the working of a diviner. These include psychic abilities as well as intuitive capabilities. The psychic world is a radical one with several gifts. Some may have extraordinary gifts of hearing, some of smell or taste, as w...