You've Got To Be Yourself
Do you find it a bit annoying when people ask, "What do you do?" as if what you do to earn a living defines the whole of YOU? I do. Your authentic self is not a train driver, a solicitor, or a builder. Do you also find it a bit irritating when other people ask where you live, as if a house on a street or a flat in a complex somehow defines who you are? Is a flat in a complex less worthy than a house on a street? How about when someone asks who your partner is, or your mum, dad, brother, sister? Do your relationships define you? Has anybody summed you up purely on your possessions. "Ooh, she has a Chanel handbag, and it's a REAL one!" Your authentic self is who you are at your deepest level, your core. Being authentic means being true to yourself. You do this by being true to your thoughts, words, and actions, and having these three match each other. When we aren't in touch with our authentic self, it is extremely easy to go into 'people pleasing' mod...