Trump. Thirty Day Report Card.

So, here we are, about thirty days later. Thirty days of blustering and blathering and bullying. What else did we expect? Does anyone know what on earth goes on in the mind of this man? I don't. I know that I don't like him, have never liked him. Intuitively, I think he's a wrong 'un and my intuition is usually spot on. I am very unlikely ever to meet him, I don't want to ever meet him but I'm curious to know more about him so I've done some astrological digging and written his report card. Here it is: Donald Trump. 14 June 1946. Queen's, New York. Sun in Gemini: Thinks he is rather good at expressing himself and boy does he like to express himself, noisy, rambunctious, he can be a disruptive influence in certain settings where a calm demeanor would be much more suitable.He can be difficult to control. He is easily bored and has a tendency to change his mind and his moods. He is not easily intimidated and this means he is quite difficult to get close to...